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9-month old Kai
"I have told so many people my story and about Dr. Bohn.
My prayers were answered with her. She is extremely compassionate, educated, optimistic, and extremely gifted
in her profession. My only regret? I wish I had met her sooner."
-Kristin S., Mother of Kai

Kai's Story


"For the first time since giving birth, I felt like someone was really listening to both me and my baby. "


I tried to get him to look to the left but very little worked.

I was fortunate enough to meet Dr. Bohn in March 2013 when my son Kai was about 4 months old. My only child was born in November in what could only be called a rough delivery that resulted in him being born with the use of the vacuum. As a first-time mom, I realized very quickly I had an extremely fussy baby, but it took me about four weeks to notice he was really only looking to the right. When being held in an infant carrier or being given a bath, his neck and head seemed to be frozen in the same position. At his 2-month check up, our pediatrician noticed that he was developing a flat spot on the back of his head to the right. She suggested keeping an eye on it and then referring us to a doctor that specializes in baby head shape at the 4-month check up if there wasn't any improvement. We spent the next two months worried that our son may have to be fitted for a helmet. My husband and I tried to get him to look to the left but very little worked. When he would look to the left, it took a while for his head to turn. In my gut, I knew he was in pain but I didn't know what to do other than listen to his doctors. At his 4-month check up, our pediatrician suggested he see the specialist to get her opinion.


At the visit with the specialist, she asked about his delivery and did a very extensive check on him to see what his range of motion was. At this point, my son had a more prominent flat spot on the back of his head to the right, which had now pushed forward the plates in his forehead, resulting in a bulge on the right side of his forehead. The specialist suggested some things we could do to try to get him to turn to the left then ultimately suggested we come back when he was 6 months old to see if he in fact needed to be fitted for a helmet. If he would need a helmet, he would need to wear it for 23 hours a day, for up to several months. The thought of that made me cringe. I had a baby that cried constantly and would only sleep in a vibrating bouncer for less than two hours at a time and I knew a helmet would only make him more miserable. And while the doctor's seemed concerned about his head shape and wanted follow up appointments, one thing always bothered me; No one seemed to care about why he was only looking to the left. They really only seemed to focus on his head shape. In my heart I knew he couldn't look to the left because it hurt him. And no one really seemed to pay attention to that.


Working with Dr. Bohn

About a week after our visit with the specialist, I met Dr. Bohn at a chance encounter. When I learned about her passion and career, I told her about my son. She convinced me to bring him to see her and after convincing my husband to give it a try, we made an appointment.


Dr. Bohn spent over an hour with us. She asked so many questions to make sure she knew every little thing about our baby and his history. The moment I will never forget was when she touched him for the first time. She looked up at me and said, "He's in so much pain. It's like he has a severe form of whiplash." For the first time since giving birth, I felt like someone was really listening to both me and my baby. And I felt like she could help more than anyone else. I immediately started taking my son to see her twice a week and watched her work her magic. His head shape was transforming before my eyes and more importantly to me, he seemed so much happier. Within weeks, he was looking to the left so easily and quickly, my husband joked that he looked like an owl! While I originally was taking him to see her twice a week, I soon went down to once a week, then twice a month. I now only take him to see her once a month to be adjusted and examined.


Just last week we had our 9 month check up with a new pediatrician. She said his head shape looked great! My baby is no longer in pain.


I have told so many people my story and about Dr. Bohn. My prayers were answered with her. She is extremely compassionate, educated, optimistic, and extremely gifted in her profession. My only regret? I wish I had met her sooner.


-Kristin S., Mother of Kai
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