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We empower women and help them with their feminine health.

Women's Health​


We help empower women to understand and honor their bodies, and encourage them to take charge of their feminine health and wellness through an integrative approach to addressing women's health issues.

Because a woman's body is very different from a man's, some health issues are more common in women and some are completely unique to women. In a woman's lifetime, she goes through many complex hormonal changes that have profound physical, psychological, and emotional effects. The Integrative approach to women's health offers natural, holistic remedies that are often more gentle and less invasive than Conventional medical practices. We’ll support you, and guide you through each phase of your feminine health and reproductive life cycle using a balance of Conventional medical diagnosis and Integrative whole body techniques.



Signs of aging can seem unfair: hair loss, brittle nails, and dull skin. These are just some of the complaints from our female patients. While Dr. Bohn can’t stop time, she can help reduce the effects of the aging process. Working as your partner, we will give you the knowledge and skills to take control of your own health and wellness. 


Nutrition plays a significant role in the way a woman looks and feels. Dr. Bohn can help you make dramatic improvements though nutritional supplementation, and dietary and lifestyle changes.


Hormone Balancing

Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers and their balance is critical to a healthy body. Proper hormone balance can positively impact your mood, metabolism, reproduction, sexual function, growth and development and much more. 



Infertility can be caused by numerous things. There are of course the pathological reasons which need to be ruled out by an obstetrician. But most infertility issues seem to stem from an inability of the female hormones to cycle correctly. When they don’t cycle correctly, ovulation does not occur at the appropriate time (or at all), and a pregnancy either doesn’t happen or can’t be sustained. Dr. Bohn will look at the complex orchestra of hormones and figure out what may be contributing to the problem.

Pre/Postnatal Care

Chiropractic care has been proven to be a safe and effective course of treatment while pregnant and during postpartum recovery. Dr. Bohn has successfully used safe chiropractic care to assist common complaints in expectant mothers such as low back pain, or shoulder and upper back pain in postpartum mothers.

Studies have shown faster deliveries in birthing mothers who have received regular chiropractic care throughout their pregnancies. Dr. Bohn has helped many expectant and new mothers. She has advanced training in pre- and postpartum and pediatric care. Dr. Bohn is also trained in the Webster Technique – a safe and non-invasive way to help turn a breach baby.



Symptoms from menopause are caused when there is a decrease in the hormones: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone or an imbalance in glands related to hormone function. These include the adrenals, liver and detoxification system, and digestive system. 


Symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, night sweats, muscle pain, irritability, anxiety, memory loss, and recurring UTI. Dr. Bohn believes there is no need to suffer with menopause symptoms. We will discuss all the options with you, including natural hormone replacement, so that you are educated in making a positive decision about your health.

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